Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another Dave Ramsey Post

I was so excited to find all the Dave Ramsey fans that have participated in Kelly's Show Us Your Life. The topic this week is Show Us Your Money Saving Tips. My money saving tip is to go and buy the book The Total Money Makeover. It's certainly a fantastic investment. After you read it, find a Financial Peace University course to attend. Usually these classes are held at a local church.

Dave gives practical, biblical advice. His big motto is to "Live like no one else so later you can live like no one else." Bran and I are following a lifestyle that is very different from other couples our age. For example, we make a budget every single month. We tell our money where it is going! We don't have to live paycheck-to-paycheck. 30% of our income right now is going towards paying off our debt (which hopefully will be paid off in a year!!) We also use the envelope system. We don't use our debit or credit cards anymore! It's hard to let go of all that cash! We have also learned to save for purchases rather than put them on a credit card. An added advantage of using cash for big purchases is the power of negotiating. I may embarass my husband when I ask for an additional discount... However, it works!! And if I am flashing around hundreds of dollars in cash, it really works! You don't have that power when you flash your credit card.

I love talking about our finances, our future, and Dave's program. But, I won't bore you anymore! Just go and buy his book if you haven't already!


Shayla said...

I couldn't agree more! Total Money Makeover is a great investment! We were fortunate to take a Financial Peace University class early in our marriage and now I highly recommend it to other newlyweds. Dave's radio show is educational and entertaining, too!

Gina said...

Still so proud of you!