Saturday, January 16, 2010

Oh Happy Day

So, Jillian has been kicking my butt. After the first two days, I took a three day hiatus from her tortuous workout. I know, that's not wise, but I seriously thought my calves were going to burst. This morning, I returned to the level one workout, and completed the whole thing! No stopping to gasp for breath for this girl! I was really surprised that my endurance was so much better.

Now for the really great news: the Wii did not groan when I stepped on it this morning!! I can hear the angel chorus now! I have had the Wii fit since June. I have used it on and off to work out with, but I never felt like I got a great workout with it. Since I have been doing the 30 Day Shred, I have lost a couple of pounds. My goal is to lose at least twenty. That would be amazing! According to the Wii, I have been overweight. As of today, I am NORMAL!! WOOHOO! I was soooooo happy to see my little Mii character shrink a little!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year

So Christmas has come and gone. I am another year older as well. And now, it is 2010: the start of a new decade! How exciting! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us this year.

Now, it's time to put in print some goals I have for 2010. I hope that if I have them in writing, I might be able to stick with them a little better. haha!

1.) Read my Bible more often and get involved in a Wednesday night group.
2.) Pay off Brandon's truck (so in 2011, I can get a new car!)
3.) Of course, one of my "resolutions" has to be to lose weight! It's so orginal, I know!

I am a planner, so I already know how I will achieve all three of these. Tonight, my wonderful hubby bought me the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels to help me out with number three. Jillian is a trainer from the biggest loser. I am not a fan of that TV show, but I hear she treats people with a lot of tough love. I, of course, researched the video before I spent the money on it (only $9 at Wal-Mart - CHEAP!). It has thousands of rave reviews on multiple websites! It is so inspiring to read other peoples' success stories. Maybe, I will have one of my own. She claims that if you follow her workouts, you can lose 20 pounds in 30 days. That's my kind of program! We'll see how it goes. I have a shelf full of jeans I would really like to be able to wear... Maybe she can help me with that. Of course, I have been watching with I eat as well. Brandon is helping with that. I think he is trying to tell me something...