Friday, May 21, 2010

Financial Peace

Today was the last day of Financial Peace University. *tear*

Actually, it's bittersweet. I am so thankful for the experience and the opportunity to get to know some awesome people. I am thankful for their support and allowing us to visit their church every Friday night. I am also thankful that it's over, and we can have our Friday nights back! ha!

Here's what we have accomplished since the end of February:
  • Saved our $1,000 emergency fund
  • Paid off $3,795 of debt ($5,915 including our mortage payments)
  • Implementing the envelope system - Cash only!
  • Started saving some money for a big vacation next year!
  • A budget every single month!
  • Giving our entire 10% tithe
  • And most importantly, we have a plan!!!
We had a lot of hopes and dreams for our future. Now, we have direction. We know where we're going and how we're getting there. It's a great feeling. The class truly lives up to it's name! We have financial peace!

So.... where are we going? We are still paying $1,000 every month towards our debt. Bran has decided not to drive a bus next year. That puts our debt free date back to August 2011. Hopefully, sooner... I know the Lord is already providing!

We must be doing something right... Bran's truck broke down the other day. The repair bill was almost $400. Thankfully, we had some extra money from my end-of-the-year bonus. It was going to buy us a new shower, but we are waiting a little while longer. Murphy's Law never fails to show up at the worst of times!

Only one more week and three days left of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!

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