Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Teacher

Today was the last day of school for our fourth graders. We have a huge promotion ceremony for our kiddos. The post below tells everything we've done so far this week. Over at Kelly's Korner, she is doing a blog hop about things that make you happy. There was one thing that absolutely made my day today. A poem written by one of my students. Here it is:

My Teacher
I've gotten extremely close to you.
I've done the work, but you're pushed me through.
For you're the teacher I hold most dear,
And I try to shed not one tear.
This year has been so much fun,
hard to believe that it is done.
I'll remember you my friend,
until time decides to end.
You aren't very rotley,
My very own Mrs. Motley!



Tiffany said...

Stopping over from Kelly's Korner. What a sweet poem. Sweet gestures like that from students is what makes teaching so worth it! I'm so jealous that today is your last day of school, we still have three weeks! Have a great weekend.

Gina said...

Doesn't that make it all worth it! How precious! You are the best!

Amanda said...

Here from Kelly's corner. I am also a teacher! We still have Tues & Wed left of school, but I'm actually okay with that because I'm already starting to miss the kids!!! What a sweet poem written for you!

Heather said...

yay for being out of school!! What a sweet note/poem!!! Love it!