Tuesday, September 24, 2013

19 Months

My heart is so full!
I just love my little man!
So what has Griffin been up to?
  • size 4 diaper
  • 24 month clothes
  • 26 pounds
  • 50th percentile in height and weight
  • 90th percentile in head circumference!! He has a big noggin!
  • size 6/7 shoe
  • favorite foods: grilled cheese sandwiches, applesauce, sweet potatoes, cheerios, popcorn chicken, ketchup, french fries, cantaloupe, bananas, well…. any fruit basically!
  • He has tried new food too this month that he did not like before like mac and cheese and pulled pork
  • He has four teeth on tooth, four on bottom, and four molars. STILL working on his canines! He has been super cranky the past few days, so maybe that’s a sign they will be here soon.
  • He loves to act like a big boy when he is around older kids. He follows them around like a lost puppy dog and copies their every move.
  • G loves to watch Baby TV, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
  • And something that ASTONISHED me…. He can recognize numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it when he picked up a 2 the other day in Sunday School and said two. He did it with the number 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. I was amazed! He’s also learning how to sit and listen to a lesson in Sunday School.
  • He is learning so much! He jabbers constantly and says many, many words. His favorite thing to say is his numbers, yes mam, please, oh man, and has recently started to try to sing itsy bitsy spider.
  • I think he is super smart. haha!
Putting his deodorant on! haha!
I just love little boys in blue jeans.
So if you didn’t know it already, I am BLESSED to be Griffin’s momma! I LOVE him and his Daddy more than anything else!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


What a crazy month! The first month of school is SO hard and SO exhausting. We have a new principal this year, so that comes with a whole new set of challenges and expectations. 

Griffin is still crazy and sweet as ever. He will be 19 months in just a couple of days. I will have a two year old on my hands before I know it! He finally got his hair cut today! He looks SO much better. 

I just love him so much. 

In other news, I have now not only ran five miles, but surpassed my goal. This morning I ran nine! I can't believe it! It's so true about once you reach five or six miles, you can just go on and on. But I am feeling it tonight though. My legs are SORE. 

This is a screenshot of my splits from two weeks ago when I ran eight. It has mile none on there, but that's when I was pulling my phone out to turn off my app. I ran a slower pace today because I was running with a friend. It is wonderful to have someone to talk to. When you run for a couple hours, it's super boring. 

Needless to say, I'm super proud of myself!!! I'm hoping to work on my speed after the half. Just a few more weeks!! 

My baby is getting so big! He is doing great in his big boy bed. He wakes up between 4-5 though and climbs in bed with us. I really wish he wouldn't do that, but until we get a gate, that's just where we are! I do like the extra snuggles!

G enjoying the beautiful weather!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Big Boy Bed

Oh how I wish I could upload a video using this app, but I can't. Just take my word for it...  We have the best video of Griffin escaping his crib. Of course he would decide to do this the second week of school.... So on a Tuesday night, he slept in his big boy bed for the first time. I don't think Bran and I have been more nervous. Knowing that Griffin had free reign of the house while we were asleep is TERRIFYING. G was thrilled with his new bed!

It took two hours to get him to sleep. I did the Super Nanny method, or tried to anyways... I had to make myself stay cool, calm, and collected. And it was not easy! Super Nanny says to not show any positive or negative reinforcement. Rather, you are supposed to keep a blank expression and simply put the baby back in his bed every time he gets up. It's exhausting. After 30 minutes, I just sat down by his bed and pushed him back every time he rose up. Which he thought was the funniest game. :/ 

So there I am, pushing my kid down while he is laughing hysterically and I'm holding back laughter and tears all at once. He finally gave it up though, and the next night only took an hour. And the night after that, 45 minutes. Then 30 minutes. Then I got tired of spending all night in there. 

So I decided to be a mean momma, and he cried it out after that and has been since then. I literally have to lock his door to keep him in there. But it takes him 5-10 minutes now to go to sleep, and I'm much happier!!

Our biggest problem is keeping him in his room. He has been getting up around 3-4, and climbing in bed with us. He's the worst to sleep with too. He kicks, head buts, and everything else to make you super uncomfortable. And just as he is falling back to sleep, my alarm goes off. I don't feel comfortable leaving his door locked all night because heaven forbid something tragic like a fire happens and we need to get to him quickly. 

Last night he stayed up later with us since we both had today off. Griffin went to bed at 8:30 and slept until 6:00 this morning in his own bed! I got in from my run at 6:30, and him and Bran were just getting up. I was impressed, so he may be getting a later bedtime to help out in the morning. 

So the transition wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be, but I must admit.... I MISS his baby prison... errr... I mean crib. 

What momma?

Climbing out of his crib one day, and on top of the counter the next. Literally the next day.