Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Three Months

Griffin is officially an infant and no longer a newborn! He growing SO fast!

He weighs 15 lbs and 8 oz. He is 26 inches long. We have a big boy on our hands!

Griffin is the sweetest baby. He is grinning all the time these days and I LOVE it! He’s been trying to giggle, but hasn’t mastered that quite yet. He rolled over for the first time at 3 months and 1 day. Since 11 weeks, Griffin has been sleeping through the night. He usually falls asleep around 8pm and wakes up around 5am. I consider myself SO blessed.

Griffin has changed so much this past month. He is becoming more interactive and more fun to play with. His hands are by far his favorite toy. They are in his mouth ALL day long. He spends the majority of the day either in his bouncer or jumparoo or on his playmat. He will entertain himself for awhile, but let’s me know when he’s ready for a change. Griffin is still nursing every 2-3 hours. Nursing is incredibly demanding on me, but I know that it’s the best for him. We tried some rice cereal when he was 12 weeks, but he is not ready to eat from a spoon. He just wanted to push the spoon out of his mouth, which meant he spit all the cereal out as well. It was hysterical. We may try again in a couple of weeks.

He loves watching TV! As you can see, he always turns to the tube no matter where he is in the room. Yikes!
He has eczema, which makes me so sad. Anytime he gets too much lovin’ (i.e. kisses) on his forehead, he has a major breakout. I am using Aveeno baby eczema lotion and recently tried Burts Bees to help. It usually takes at least a week, if not more, to clear up.
This past weekend, Griffin and I made a quick trip up to Omaha. My wonderful mother celebrated her birthday on Sunday! We were glad to be able to share her day with her. I especially enjoyed the trip to Andy’s for some frozen yogurt! (haha Mom!) To show you I have the sweetest mother, she bought ME and Griffin clothes while I was up there. For real?? She is not supposed to do that, especially on her birthday! But I am so grateful to have something that fits…. Oh this baby weight is killing me… The month of June is Shred Month. I am going back to Jillian and her wicked ways because I know it works! It kills me, but it works.
So happy 3 months to Baby G and Happy Birthday to my momma. What a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!