Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Bran finally put little Griffin’s jump-a-roo together!

Poor guy… He gets his short, chubby legs from me! haha! And yes, I realize that his seat is backwards. First fail.
I had my first BIG mommy failure today. I’m so sad. I went to the Fitness Center today with the babe to visit my fellow teachers and students. We go every year for an hour or so as a Benchmark reward. When it was time to go, I buckled Griffin into his carseat and turned to talk to a friend. I’m not sure if I hit his seat or what happened, but his carseat fell off the bench. Surprised smile OMW! Thankfully, another friend caught him. I was in utter shock. There are no words. It happened so fast. I’m so thankful that he was  strapped in. His eyes got really big, and then he went back to sucking his hand. He was completely fine, but still… You can’t think of what MIGHT have happened.
I’m sure this is the first of many mommy failures. Being a mom is so humbling… and scary.

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