Wednesday, April 3, 2013

13 Months and Easter

March 24: Griffin turned 13 months!

So what is he up to these days?

He is still such a good baby. I feel more like a parent though these days. I have started disciplining him when needed. He recently decided to start biting me. He hasn’t shown interest in biting anyone else but me, which is a good thing I guess. I’m to blame… I play like I’m biting him when playing. He thinks it’s hilarious. Now I’m reaping the repercussions. I spank his bottom and tell him no very firmly. It hurts his feelings and just bawls. He’s pitiful.

He’s also been more clingy to us when we’re around new people. He used to go to anyone anytime. Now he is starting to act more shy. Thankfully he warms up to people very quickly and won’t cry if they just snatch him up!

He is a picky eater. He LOVES carbs!! He will eat bread all day long if I let him. Vegetables are not his favorite. However, he loves pineapple, strawberries, and bananas. Grilled cheese sandwiches, turkey sandwiches, chicken nuggets, applesauce, sweet potatoes, popsicles, puree vegetable pouches, and waffles are on his favorite foods list as well. He is drinking from his sippy like a champ still. He is probably drinking way too much milk because he loves his cup so much! It holds 9 oz, and he drinks between 3-4 cups a day.

When G wants down from his high chair, we make him say “down please.” He doesn’t say it correctly, however, he gets pretty close! We know what he means. He also says, “What is that” all the time as well as “belly button.”

He squeals when he gets tickled!

I just LOVE this kid sooooo much. I know he is going to keep me on my toes for the next several years.

This is the end of his laughing fit. He did this for like 5 minutes straight. It looks like a temper tantrum, but he was giggling.

Griffin goes to bed between 7-8 each night, and wakes up between 6-7 in the morning. He takes two naps. His first nap is from 9-10:30 and his afternoon nap is from 1-when he wakes up…. usually around 2:30-3. He drinks a glass of milk when he gets up, eats breakfast at the babysitters at 8, lunch at noon, a snack around 3:30, dinner at five, and his final glass of milk before bed. He’s on a great schedule! I love knowing exactly what he needs when.

He can now climb up on the couch by himself. He is more steady now when he walks. Bath time is still his favorite. He plays in his cozy coupe allllll the time. If there is something that has buttons, he’s pushing them. Whether it’s the remote, iPad, phone, picture frame, cable box… it doesn’t matter. If there is a button, G is pushing it!

Griffin is absolutely precious! I’m not biased or anything….

On to Easter!

Navy and orange was the color scheme this year. I wish I would’ve gotten the front of Griffin’s shirt! It was monogrammed with a little chicken on his tie. Too cute!

The play was a tremendous success this year! We had four performances, plus a dress rehearsal, and over 200 people were saved!! God is soooo good! Brandon did an amazing job as usual portraying Jesus. I stand in awe of him this time of year. The stress from the play can be overwhelming at times, but we have an amazing church family that held us up in prayer, especially Brandon, and he always handles everything with so much class and grace. I so blessed to come home to such a great guy!

Griffin made it to two of the performances. Oh. my. word. He’s still a little young to be included. He was all over the place. In fact, he yelled “Dada” during on of Brandon’s monologues. Talk about embarrassing!

You can see that I don’t have many pictures these days. Videos are so much easier.

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