Friday, April 5, 2013

SUYL–Favorite Kid Books

If you’re stopping by from Kelly’s Korner, welcome to my little blog!

Today’s topic is close to my heart. I LOVE to read, and I LOVE books. I have a one year old son, and I’m doing my best to instill that love of learning in him as well. In fact, I dedicated an entire wall of his nursery to books!

In addition to teaching him to love reading, I also teach third grade. I have spent so much time and money building my classroom library as well.


One of my all time favorite children’s books is by Max Lucado. It is called You are Mine.

And of course, You are Special by Max Lucado.

These are the sweetest books. The main character is named Punchinello who is a Wemmick. Wemmicks are wooden dolls made by Eli, the master woodcarver. You are Special deals with the all important lesson of other people’s opinions of one another. However, the only opinion that matters is our Makers. You are Mine talks about no matter how many material things one has, it does not determine your worth. Both are amazing books. I read them to my son and my third graders. It always sparks great conversations (with kids that can talk… ha!)

For older children, my favorite read alouds are by Roald Dahl. I love his fantastical fiction style. The BFG and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are always classroom favorites. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is another. I can go on and on! There are too many to list!

Thanks for stopping by!

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