Tuesday, April 30, 2013

14 Months

Climbs on the couch all by himself

Gives kisses complete with sound effects

Says momma usually only when he's upset

Continues to say "what's that" alllllll the time

Extremely mobile

Is completely content just roaming the house

Loves shutting doors

25 pounds

Eats pretty much anything and seems like he eats all day long

Drinks three or four 9 oz sippy cups of whole milk a day

LOVES squeezable fruit and veggie pouches

Talks constantly

His cozy coupe and an empty mt dew bottle are his favorite toys

Very impatient when he's waiting for his food or milk

Goes to sleep at 7 and wakes up between 5:30 and 6:30

Takes an hour and a half nap at 9am and a two hour nap at 1pm

Loves his bath still and can say "bath time"

Claps for himself when he thinks he's done something spectacular

Takes his paci only at bed time and nap times

Can follow simple commands like "go get your paci" which is SO nice!

My baby is acting more and more like a toddler. I love this stage because he is SO much fun, but I sure do miss my baby that just laid there all the time too!! Haha

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