Thursday, April 15, 2010

the perfect teacher gift from a teacher's point of view

I love Show Us Your Life from Kelly's blog. This week's topic: teacher gifts! I have taught fourth grade for two years now. I have been blessed with amazing kids and all of their creative and thoughtful gifts. I have been thinking about what the perfect gift from a student would be.... and then I remembered what one of my student's mom told me.

I was standing with my after school kids waiting for their parents to pick them up. One of my fellow colleagues started talking to me about her son who is in my room. He is such a sweetie! She said he was talking to her one night about me. He said I was his favorite teacher (awwww....). He went on to say how he really liked how Mrs. Motley taught him the things he really needed to know. And Mrs. Motley seems to really like being a teacher. And how Mrs. Motley was strict, but not mean. And how he liked Mrs. Motley's "classroom management". haha! All of this coming from a 10 year old boy. I love it!! So the perfect teacher gift in my eyes would be having a student write down all of those things that he/she appreciates. I'm not talking about the normal pictures, drawings, and the papers with "I LOVE YOU" written all over it that teachers get on a daily basis (although those are sweet too). I'm talking about a thoughtful, from the heart, letter. I would treasure that; especially on those days that aren't exactly the best.

Of course, a massage would be nice too! HA!

7 comments: said...

What a cute idea! When I taught 2nd grade one year, I had a VERY creative, gifted student that loved writing. I gave him the following topic to see what he could come up with: "You have a magic suitcase. When you open it..." He wrote the sweetest, most detailed story that tied in magic, the people in the suitcase (including me) and all those sweet things you mentioned in your post. I still have the original story and love reading it from time to time.

Claire said...

I have some notes like that. They always make me cry, and smile, at the same time!


Holly said...

What a cute kid! I would have loved hearing that too! :)

Summer said...

I think personalized notes are sooo special and a gift certificate to the spa is amazing too! I listed the same things on my list LOL

Your blog is fantastic....
Have a great weekend
Summer :)

Beth McC. said...

I am a previous teacher and I couldnt agree more! I have every note, card, letter that I have ever gotten from a student or parent and I will keep them for ever!!

Love your blog header!

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

He was so right. Craig has had a wonderful year. We are truely blessed to have you as a teacher.
We love you.

The DeFrancisco family

Kristin said...

Thank you so much Mrs. DeFrancisco! You have no idea how much that means to me. I'm so grateful to have Craig with me this year. He is such a great kid!