Thursday, April 15, 2010


I had no idea how much work these countertops were going to be! I have spent almost a week on them. Unfortuntely the paint bled through the tape and onto the wall. I had to run to Lowes after school today to get some more of our wall color. We bought our green color at Wal-Mart, but I thought Lowes could create the same color while I was there getting the other paint. WRONG! I spent $10 on the wrong stinkin' paint color! It made me so mad! After I painted, I had to go back into town to get the right color at Wal-Mart. All is well now.... Here are the pictures. I am incredibly pleased with the result. They look soooo much better!

In other news, our testing is OVER! Woohoo! I am so proud of my kiddos. They worked extremely hard. Tomorrow we are having a fun day. We are going to get some beach towels and lay under a shade tree with our library books tomorrow afternoon. They were pretty excited about it. We're going to play Uno as well, and, of course, there will be food involved. They deserve a nice reward!


Gina said...

You did an amazing job; so pretty.

Jennibell said...

Wow, these are absolutely AMAZING!! Great job!