Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dear Mrs. Motley

I hear some of the sweetest, strangest, yet endearing words from my students. The following is a hysterical letter from a sweet and spicy girl in my room. I will call her T and will copy it word for word.
Dear Mrs. Motley,
I hope you know that when your coffen is burried in the ground and your bone dust is burried inside your coffen I will always be thinking about you. You are very sweet, Beautiful, skinny, and loving. You have improved my math, spelling, and writing by your teaching. Although we have had our downwords and upwords you are a wonderful teacher.
Yours to love and to hold,
P.S. Love the hair due!
Happy Early Christmas
Bahahahahaha! I am a little worried about me being dead in a coffin, but nonetheless, what a sweet note.


Gina said...

Eeeeerrrrry but hilarious!

Tiffany said...

Hahahaha. Wow is all that comes to mind. What a strange thought for her to have, yet such wonderful compliments to you! I miss the notes and words of my students. They have a way of always keeping us on our toes!