Sunday, October 24, 2010

One Class Down….

and nine to go. I finished my first graduate course Friday. It feels good to have one out of the way. I have this week off before my next class starts. It couldn’t have come at a better time! I have been up at school for the past four hours getting my stuff together and organized for parent/teacher conferences and getting my lessons ready. Tomorrow is going to be such a long day!
Bran and I went and looked around at cars yesterday. I found a Chevy Equinox that I really liked. Since our last truck payment hasn’t even cleared the bank yet, we are going to wait a little bit longer before adding a new car payment to the budget.
Bran sent me flowers to school last week. They are so gorgeous!
They were “I’m Sorry” flowers. ha!
And I just realized this yesterday that I never shared my video of my precious nephew eating his first birthday cake. Yesterday one of Bran’s cousin’s baby’s first birthday was yesterday. That was a lot of possessive nouns! It made me think of Drew and his cake. So without further adieu, here is Drew!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Yay for the first completed class! Yay for the last truck payment! Yay for a card that you like! Awe for the beautiful flowers. Yuck for a long day tomorrow, but good luck. Love ya, Mom