Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Getting Old

Bran made dinner tonight. It was so nice! We were sitting on the couch afterwards watching America’s Funniest Home videos. The next thing I know, I am laying down, and so is he. We are now fighting for more room in our sleep. ha! And it’s only 7:30. Finally, being the wonderful husband that he is, he decides to give me the couch, and he goes to bed. We are seriously acting like we are old people.
I really should stop talking about Dave Ramsey. Any time I make some sort of debt-free proclamation, something bad happens. Seriously! It’s getting annoying! This time, it’s Bran’s truck. Poor guy. He tried to start it yesterday morning, and it won’t start. We are going to have to get it towed and all that jazz. The Lord works things out though… Every single time this happens, we usually have a little extra money come in from somewhere. I just happened to get my check in today from our co-op from the class I taught last month. Now of course I had other plans for this money… But it is so nice to not have to worry about paying to get it fixed since we are on a tight budget.


Gina said...

God is so good! I admire your outlook. Love you.

Tiffany said...

Thank you so much for your guidance and giving me support through your comment yesterday. It makes me feel better to be reminded that I am not the only one who has gone through this. I am so happy that in your case things were found and so wasn't the person. Unfortunately there was some lose and I wish you didn't have to experience that either. It gives me hope that there will be closure for me as well. Thank you again for lifting me up at a time that I needed it most!