Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fitting In

Mom… Don’t read this. It might make you sad.
I live in a town I am not originally from. I met my husband in college, and after getting married, we bought a house and I became an official resident of his hometown (I will call it R). It was strange at first. I mean, I grew up in one of the smallest towns known to men. When I introduced myself, if someone didn’t know me, I was immediately connected to my parents… or my grandparents. Which was okay. But moving to R, no one knew me in the beginning. They had no clue as to who I “belonged” to.
Bran is the type of guy that knows everyone! It doesn’t matter where we go, he always sees someone he knows. I now was identified as “Bran’s wife.” It was so weird at first going places where no one knew me! It was like starting all over! Actually, it was very nice in a way.
I have started my third year teaching. I am getting to know more and more people. Last night, we went to the high school football game to watch Bran’s alma mater. I actually saw people I knew! There were former students of mine that ran up yelling “Mrs. Motley!!” I talked to many parents as well. It was just a nice feeling to know that I have my own people now! haha!
I still miss my hometown, especially all the family get-togethers. However, I love my new hometown too. It’s nice to fit in.


Gina said...

So glad you are finally feeling comfortable and like you fit in and are at "home". You are right, it does make me sad. I have accepted the fact that you probably won't ever come back up here and that is ok as long as you are happy.

Tiffany said...

I'm glad you are feeling more at "home" in your new town. That is a nice feeling knowing that you know people!

Chrissy said...

well, you've got me!!! :) i missed you tonight at bible study... and btw, we are now called "Soul Sisters" Bible Study.... shirts to follow soon! i love the new blog layout, too.... we have to get together soon!