Monday, August 9, 2010


I presented today at our Co-op. I had a lot of really positive feedback from the participants. They all went back to their schools with some great teaching tools! All in all it was a great experience. I hope I can do more of that in the future!
My mother-in-law introduced me to Acai juice the other day. I have heard of it before, but didn’t know a lot about it. It’s six bucks a bottle at Wal-Mart. However it claims to promote weight-loss and improve your skin and hair. The biggest reason why I decided to try it though is because it is suppose to increase your energy level. I have absolutely no energy most of the time. I wonder if I am anemic or something. When I take a multi-vitamin, I feel so much better. The juice is so much easier to take and tastes a lot better. I have drank it for the past two days. I haven’t been able to tell a difference yet… My MIL said it took about a week or two to really feel the benefits. We shall see!

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