Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Believe in a Literate Environment

Kids need to be surrounded by good books! I have spent entirely too much money building my classroom library. It's SO important though! Last year our district provided every single elementary classroom (there's six elementary schools in our district!) 500 books for classroom libraries. How lucky are we?!?! I have well over a thousand books now! And I LOVE it!

Here's my little, organized book nook.

These tubs are all fiction books: author studies, series, and some genres.

More fiction books: mostly genres.

Nonfiction books! The left side is Social Studies, and the right side is Science.

I made all new cards so the kiddos can sort them easily. Each book has a sticker on the back that matches the label on the tub that it goes belongs to. And I know I shouldn't end that sentence with a preposition. ha!

Here's my bookshelf! It holds my read alouds, mentor texts, literature discussion group sets, and my reading group binders and intervention data.

I just love them all. Maybe I should be a librarian....

Rows and rows of chapter books for literature discussion groups.

More mentor texts for Writing lessons.

I also believe in cute lamps to light up my little book nook. :)


Unknown said...

I love how organized you are! Btw..I read your Prezi and got some great ideas to use in my classroom this year! And I also noticed on your daily schedule that there wasn't time for Science/Social Studies...When do you squeeze that in?

Kristin said...

Megan!!! I've missed you! It will be nice to keep up with your blog. I was so sad when you weren't on Facebook anymore!

I'm glad you got some ideas. I am sure you could give me a TON! We have been integrating Science and Social Studies into our Reading Workshop. However, this year we will have a thirty minute block in addition. It will be after Math. There's just too much to do and not enough time!

Unknown said...

Can I get your email address...I would love to hear more about your Writer's workshop... I am trying something differnt this year and I need some ideas. :)

Kristin said...

of course! it is