Monday, July 19, 2010

Meat-a Ball

My dinner tonight. Recipe complements of the Pioneer Woman. I love her food!!!!

I have been so busy lately! I am in the process of giving our poor deck a facelift. It is gray and mildew-y. I bought some deck cleaner and have been scrubbing. It's so stinkin' hot outside though! I am drenched in sweat in about two seconds. However, once I am done, it will look fantastic! I am hoping to finish cleaning it tomorrow, and then stain and seal it later this week.

I spent ALL day at school today. And when I say ALL day, I mean ALLLLLLL day. We had a summer school meeting from 9-12. I left at 5... How does that happen??? I completely lost track of time. Part of the reason is probably because I found my old ipod with all of my high school favorites. I was jamming out while putting together my bulletin boards and blowing up my ball chairs. I can't wait until I am finished so I can post some pictures! I need to go and get an itunes giftcard so I can download some new songs. I really want to put together a kid-friendly playlist to play in my room. My students last year got tired of my classical music CDs. ha!

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