Monday, March 8, 2010

Dave Ramsey

Brandon and I have been attending Financial Peace University at a local church. The program was created by Dave Ramsey (author of The Total Money Makeover - highly recommend it!) I was working on our budget for next month, and I was getting EXCITED! Bran is working late tonight... so I had to tell someone! This probably isn't the smartest thing to post on the internet... If you are a stalker, please don't read this. ha!

We have around $17,000 in debt - two student loans and his truck payment. Of course, that does not include our house. We are spending 30% of our monthly income towards paying this off. That's over $1000! We are def determined to get rid of it. Well, we paid our credit card off this month, and we will pay off one student loan this upcoming month. With all of that money free, we are applying that to his truck payment. That means, the $5,200 we owe on his truck will be paid off in...... SEPTEMBER! woohoo! Go us!

Next, we will take that money and apply it to one of our student loans. That will be paid off in March of 2011. Then, we will take that money and apply it to our last debt. It will be paid off in September of 2011!!!!! We are going to call in to the Dave Ramsey radio show and yell "WE'RE DEBT FREE!!" I can't wait!

However, I will hopefully get a part time job this summer, and Bran might start a second job. If that happens, we could be debt free A LOT sooner. And maybe, just maybe, we will actually get a tax return next year. I can just see it now!

It will be such a good feeling when we will be able to take that 30% of our income and save/invest it. Dave is teaching us where to invest our money. He shows you how to become a millionaire by the time you retire (no get rich quick schemes though). Since Bran and I are still young, it is within reach for us. I cannot wait to take my dream trip to Europe... and pay for it with cash! What an amazing thought! Or how about building our dream house?? We might not be able to pay cash for that, but I bet we could save up a sizable down payment!

It feels amazing to be on the same page financial-wise with my husband. There is no way I could do this alone. He has been my rock.  I feel like we are in the Lord's will. We are trying to be obey His commands. I know He will richly bless our lives. It feels good to think about our future and our future family. I can't wait to see what is in store for us!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Love your blog! So proud of you!