Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Two Months

Happy Birthday Griffin! My little boy is already two months old!! I cannot believe it!
He is the sweetest baby!

Griffin had his two month checkup today. He weighs 14 pounds and 3 ounces and is 24 inches long. His doctor called him a moose! Griffin is in the 90th percentile in both height and weight, and is in the 95th percentile in head circumference. (He gets that from me…)

Griffin’s hair is turning strawberry blond, and his eyes are slowly turning brown. He is a great mixture of both Brandon and me! He definitely has his daddy’s gorgeous eyes and my lips. He is still nursing every 2-3 hours. He nurses and then plays for an hour. Afterwards, he sleeps for an hour, and is up to do it all over again. He is holding his head up so well! He loves his playmat and bouncy seat, but doesn’t care for his swing so much. Griffin is in number two diapers, but he hasn’t been going through as many as the first month. He smiles a lot, especially in the morning after he eats. He hasn’t giggled yet, but I think it’s coming soon! He still sleeps pretty well at night, going for 4-6 hour stretches. One night we got a full eight hours in! Hoping that happens more often now that he is a little older.
Brandon and I have so enjoyed the past two months. We cannot imagine life without our little man now. God has blessed us with such a well tempered baby. I miss being able to get up and go where ever I want whenever I want, but Griffin is so worth it. I love that little guy and our little family!

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