Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Weekend

It was so nice to spend a weekend at home! Brandon FINALLY had the time to hang up my blinds on our french doors. He has way to many things going on in my opinion. Between church responsibilities, work,  mma, and a new baby, it’s a little much. But I am grateful he marked off a few things on his Honey-Do list.

We spent a few hours in Conway on Saturday. Griffin needed some new sleepers. He is officially in 3-6 month clothes. I bet in a few more months he will be in 6-9 months. I weighed him today using our scale at home, and he was 15 lbs and 6 oz. That means he gained a pound and three oz since his 2 month checkup. OMW! That’s insane. Anyways, we ate dinner at Chilis. I tried the crispy chicken tacos. It’s my new favorite. Soooooo good! The rice it came with tasted just like Hawaii. I could’ve ate an entire bowl of it.

Yesterday was a great day at church. Griffin and I took a wonderful nap while Brandon worked out that afternoon. At d-groups, we had a surprise birthday party for the youth pastor.

Today, I’ve been watching my baby learn. He LOVES his bouncy seat. A few weeks ago he got so excited to swing his arms and kick his legs to make his toys swing back and forth. The past few days however, his movements have become smoother and more directed. He concentrates on his little monkey, and slowly reaches for it. He still doesn’t have the skills to grab ahold of it on purpose, so he ends up batting at it. But that doesn’t stop him from trying! It’s adorable. The other night, he almost rolled over from back to tummy! I was cheering him on, but he got super mad because he couldn’t get his paci. He was so close though! It wont be long!! I am so excited to see Griffin grow and learn, but I wish it wasn’t happening so fast….

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