Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I finally got checked today!!! But I'm only at 1 centimeter.... But that's better than nothing right?? Griffin dropped two days ago. It's the craziest thing. Everything is happening so slowly, yet so quickly all at the same time. I'm trying to get things at home in order and things at school. I'm so afraid I am going to forget something major. I know I won't get it all finished, but since I'm only at one cm, I may have more time than I think!!

Conferences are tomorrow night. I better prepare myself for a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions because it's going to be a long day! No school Friday!! Woohoo! Must finish thank you cards this weekend. Maybe get a pedicure Friday. Need to send off my hospital pre-registration forms. Need to install the car seat. Need to get childcare interviews lined up. Then I just have to make it to Valentine's Day for our class party, and I will be ready to meet my little man! One small problem.... My doctor is out of town all next week. Eek! I'm sure he will come next week just because of that!

I still have to check on insurance for the baby and maybe a cafeteria plan to pay for child care. We need to get our taxes filled. My bathrooms have been without baseboards for a year. My patio doors need blinds or curtains. OH MY WORD! I better stop. The list will just get longer and longer. It's amazing how everything MUST be done before he gets here. I think it will be a miracle if half of it is finished! ha! I have a long list on my desk at school just of things that must be done there before I go on maternity leave. Now I have a partial list of things that must be done at home.

This post is a complete mess. Ramble-ramble-ramble. Please know, Bran and I are soooooo anxious and ready to meet our little boy. We're ready for our lives to be turned completely upside down after I spend all this time trying to get organized and prepared.

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