Monday, February 20, 2012

39 Weeks!!! And Nursery Reveal

I’m still trucking along… I think Griffin is nice and cozy and will NEVER come out!!!
39 Weeks
I mean really… Look at that bump! Ridiculous!!!
How far along? 39 Weeks
Weight gain? A lot. Probably pushing 50 lbs now. I am soooo swollen, so a lot of that is simply water retention. If I wasn’t so embarrassed, I would upload a picture of my feet, ankles, and legs. But it would gross you out, so I won’t. You’re welcome!
Maternity clothes? I have just a few t-shirts that actually cover the bump still. Bottoms are mainly sweat pants. I have ONE dress I can still wear. I’m ready to get back into my old clothes!
Sleep? Bleh. Some nights it’s great, and other nights it’s not.
Best moment this week? Finally finishing his nursery!! The only thing I’m missing is the crib skirt! So excited!
Movement? Minimal these days.
Gender? boy
Labor Signs? Well, I am still in the pre-labor stage. He of course dropped two weeks ago, lost the plug, having Braxton Hicks, yada yada yada. I’m ready for the real thing!! At my last appointment on Thursday, I progressed from 1 cm to 2 cm and 30% effaced to 50%. Hoping I am further along this Thursday!!!
Belly button in or out? It’s kinda weird…. The bottom is flat and the top part has popped.
What I miss? Not feeling like a ginormous whale!
Weekly Wisdom? Enjoy it 
Milestones? Dilating!
Cravings? Popcorn and Coke YUM! I’m also eating spicy chicken wings in hopes of jumpstarting labor. It’s not helping…
And now… the nursery reveal! 99% complete!
Walking in, you will see the charcoal gray and white, chevron curtains my mother made. On each side, there are floating book shelves that my dad made, mom and Bran sanded, Bran installed, and I painted. Hundreds of dollars of wonderful books are there for Baby G. I have board books, squishy books, Dr. Seuss, hardback and paperback books that will hopefully hold his interest and develop a love for reading!
On the back wall is his crib. My mom made the wonderful bumper pads. I used the left over fabric to create his mobile. I just love Pinterest and all the great ideas I find there!! Bed skirt is coming soon! It will be in the same fabric as the curtains. On one side of the crib is his toy box, bumbo, and play mat.  On the other side is the rocker.
My mom and sister had a recliner I purchased recovered to match the color scheme. I am so thankful for all of their help!!! The red table was a Christmas gift from my sister as well. She amazes me how she can paint furniture and make it look so great!
I found the lamp base at Lowes after looking for months and months and months for the perfect lamp. I still couldn’t find a shade I liked, so I bought a cheap white one from Target and used some left over fabric to recover it. I love how it turned out!
This is a HUGE canvas I painted a while back. Again, inspired by a project on a blog I found on Pinterest. I spent hours trying to find the perfect verse for my son. I hope he internalizes these words and becomes a strong man of God.
Changing Station
The peg board was another inspired-by-Pinterest project! It holds his diapers above his changing table, Itzbeen timer, clock, picture, wreath, and a vintage m I found in one of my sister’s favorite stores. It needs something else…. maybe another basket that matches the one up there. I’m not sure. It’s a work in progress!
I am still in love with this popcorn rug from Target! It just is perfect!
And a picture of his closet. I LOVE all these diapers!!!

Now all we need is little Griffin to make his debut!!

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