How far along? 37 Weeks! Finally full term!
Weight gain? Not sure – our scale still needs batteries. I would guess around 40.
Maternity clothes? Yes! However, some of them aren’t covering the bump as well as they should!
Sleep? Some nights it’s wonderful, other nights I just toss and turn. Between night sweats, restless legs, and the ginormous belly, sleep does not come easily!
Best moment this week? After a Babies-r-us trip with my mom and a baby shower with my family today, Griffin officially has everything he needs!! I need to get a few things bought for me so I can pack my bag. After that, he can come anytime!
Movement? Not as frequent because he is running out of room, but he is a strong little boy!
Gender? boy! Griffin Blaine
Labor Signs? I have been cramping on and off. I will get checked for dilation later this week!! Yikes!
Belly button in or out? It is flat, but trying to poke out!!
What I miss? I miss fitting into my clothes, my skinner face and body, not having huge pillows for feet, and being able to eat without getting heartburn.
Milestones? Reaching 37 weeks!
Cravings? Anything that someone starts to talk about! haha
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