Monday, February 13, 2012

38 Weeks

So I don’t have a picture… yet. But know that my bump is huge and my face is even bigger.

How far along? 38 Weeks!
Weight gain? A whole lot!!!
Maternity clothes? Yes! Mainly sweat pants. I am sooooooo ready to be able to wear my t-shirts again. I mean really?? What am I supposed to wear if I can’t fit into my t-shirts!?! This is getting ridiculous!
Sleep? Bleh. Still hit and miss.
Best moment this week? I finally got checked last week, and I am a centimeter dilated as of last Wednesday. Being checked was not so much fun though. I go back Thursday to see where I am now!
Movement? He’s been very active the past few days, but not as much today. My belly is so extremely tight. It feels like he doesn’t have any room.
Gender? Boy! Baby Griffin
Labor Signs? Well I know this is kinda gross, but I want to remember it all when I look back at this blog. So for the whole internet world to know, I lost my plug today! So I am definitely in the pre-labor stage. Griffin has dropped, Braxton Hicks contractions are coming and going, I am nesting, and the plug is gone. Hopefully he will come soon! Next week would be perfect for me…
Belly button in or out? It’s flat.
What I miss? Oh my word. The list is getting long. Mainly I miss my old clothes and I miss not feeling like a whale and I miss having no heartburn and I miss sleeping all night and I miss being able to bend down and I miss not running out of breath doing the simplest tasks. How’s that for a run-on sentence??
Milestones? Just experiencing every pre-labor sign!
Cravings? Sweet tea from McDonalds. It’s sooooooooooo good!

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