Monday, March 28, 2011


Well today wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, being a Monday after Spring Break and all. All the kiddos noticed my new hair cut of course. They’re so funny. Anything new never slips by their observing little eyes! I would post a picture, but I don’t have one. And I just got out of the shower, so it looks grody.
This is a scarf that one of my kiddos made. I think it’s absolutely precious. She has been talking about it since… Oh… October?? I was seriously thinking she was just making it up! But she was so excited when she handed me the bag this morning. I thought it was so creative and obviously took a tremendous amount of time.
So intricate! I would never have the patience to do that!
Just one reason why I teach elementary. Oh the sweetness!


Gina said...

Very cool scarf! I would get so attached to those kids. Just don't know that I could do your job. Admire you and still am so proud of you!

Tiffany said...

Aw this scarf is so neat. Children are so thoughtful!