Monday, March 21, 2011

Heavy Heart

A lot has been on my mind lately. My sister is having many complications with her second pregnancy. She is only 24 weeks and had to be admitted to the hospital until she delivers. She has lost the majority of her amniotic fluid. My heart hurts for her and her husband. I have never been pregnant, but I can only imagine how stressed out I would be if I was in her place.
A lady at our church was diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma. The Lord miraculously healed her, and her cancer was in remission. That is practically unheard of with that cancer in that stage. The doctors only gave her a month or two to live. She went back for a check-up this past week, and the cancer is now in her brain. God is still good, and his promises to her remain the same no matter what the doctors say. I just hurt for her and her family.
Our house was broken into again. However, the only missing thing was my perfume?? So strange. I am feeling a little unsettled. I keep telling myself that I should count my blessings and it could’ve been so much worse. I just don’t understand why this would happen to us again… Boo on creeps. We are getting a security system installed this week.
Bran lost a lot of work last month with all the snow. His paycheck was almost half of what we’re used to living on. I am thankful he has work though, and he is very busy now.
I went to the dentist today. I have four cavities. If you don’t know, cavities are expensive. Thankfully, we have great insurance. But with the aforementioned money situation, I was beginning to worry. We’ve already had to buy a new door and have it installed this week. I’ve bought a textbook for my next grad class, and we had to get Mason some tick medication because we found a huge tick on him the other day.  Sigh… BUT to show that God provides, my dentist (who goes to our church) told us that he wanted to bless us. He is only going to charge what the insurance pays. I am so thankful for wonderful people in the world!
I serve an AWESOME God!
*Please be in prayer for my sister, Kayla, and my friend, Daranda.


Gina said...

God is so good. You are so faithful. I love you!

Unknown said...

I will be praying...

Megan said...
