Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bumpdate #2 37 Weeks

Graham is officially full term!! 

According to my last ultrasound at 28 weeks, my due date is March 4. However, I looked much bigger at this point with Griffin. 

So who knows! 

Weight gain? A lot. I stop counting after 50 lbs. :/ I really have started to swell the past couple weeks, so I blame the water. 

Maternity clothes? Yes. But the shirts are getting to the point where they aren't fitting as well. That's when you know you are pregnant pregnant. 

Sleep? Not the best. 

Best moment this week? Finally got checked on Monday! I'm 0% effaced though and only 1 cm dilated. I still have a while to go. I also had my first baby shower at school today! It was a joint shower with my friend Megan. I had a lot of fun! 

Movement? Minimal these days. 
Gender? boy 

Labor Signs? Nothing new. I have been having some period type cramps at the end of the day and Braxton Hicks contractions throughout the day. Most days he seems so low and there is a lot of pressure. Today though he seemed like he moved up a little. I have such a long torso which makes it hard to tell. 

Belly button in or out? Apparently it's poking out. I was being observed by my principal yesterday and a sweet second grader pointed that out in front of everyone! Ha!

What I miss? Not having heartburn. I hate hate hate the 24/7 heartburn!

Milestones? Baby shower and celebrating Griffin's fourth birthday!!

Cravings? Chocolate and apples and peanut butter 

We kept Griffin's party to just family. He had a Very Hungry Caterpillar themed party. I got the cake at The Cake Place, and my mom bought the adorable cookies from Harrison. She also did the grape kabobs and apple caterpillars. I pretty much ate the entire plate of apples by myself!! We also had some sandwich sliders for lunch from Walmart. They were delicious!

 Brandon and I got a great deal on a Power Wheels truck! We were SO excited to give it to him!! He had fun driving his cousins around. Phyllis and Leon got him a wagon, my parents got him a dump truck and a picnic table, Kim and Dan got him some fossils for his rock collection, Greg and Theresa got him another race car track and some clothes, Kayla and Chase got him a water gun and bow and arrow, Aunt Kelli got him a kite and a tee ball set, and Jason and Felicia got him some clothes. I'm thankful for all the outside toys! We will have fun this summer!

CVE Baby Shower

With a second child and especially the same gender, our school does diaper showers. I have almost everything I need for little Graham, so it was wonderful to get some consumables like diapers, wipes, and bath stuff. Megan and I are both expecting our second babies of the same gender as our first, so it was nice to have a joint shower! Our teams did a fabulous job decorating and with the food. The theme was "Ready to Pop". We had Blow Pops, cake pops, popcorn, and rice Krispy pops. All delicious! 

In addition to the diapers and wipes, Kim and Dan got us an AMAZING baby carrier. I'm so excited to use it! Megan Davis also gave us a photo shoot. I'm pumped about that too!! The office staff found an adorable robe and had it monogrammed. I'm a sucker for a monogram! Those were just a few of my favorite things! I'm so thankful for such a supportive team at school. 

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