Friday, March 18, 2016

Welcome to the World Graham Preston!

I am finally writing Graham's birth story. It was a pretty different experience than his brother's! 

Wednesday, March 2nd, I started having contractions. They were consistent enough that I could time them, but not painful enough to warrant a trip to my doctor or the hospital. I was barely dilated to 1 cm the week before, so I was hoping these contractions were getting me further along. They were coming every two minutes the entire day at school. That evening I had my baby shower at church with my Soul Sisters. They gave me a monetary gift to buy a video monitor for the nursery. I was so thankful!!

The next day, the contractions started up again at work. I powered through though because I could still walk and talk through them. I guess these were just Braxton Hicks. However, I never had those kind of Braxton Hicks with Griffin. I had a doctor's appointment that afternoon, so I was excited to see my progress! I was at 4 cm! It was crazy because I was in the hospital at 4cm with Griffin. They also gave me an ultrasound to check Graham's weight. If he was big, they were going to induce me at 40 weeks. The tech estimated he weighed about 8 lbs and 4 oz. Dr. Escue was on call that weekend, and he thought I would be having this baby this weekend. I went home and had some more contractions, but fell asleep just fine. 

Friday morning I woke up around 4 am with contractions. Since I woke up with them and they weren't work induced, I thought that it was finally the real thing! I texted my boss and my long term sub and said I wasn't coming in. Thank goodness I had been preparing for this for the past month! However, I had just a few more loose ends to tie up, so I headed to school about 6:00 that morning and worked for a couple hours. The contractions were coming every two minutes. I was having to stop and breathe through them, but it wasn't excruciating just yet. I was excited! I headed back home with one of Megan's ball chairs to bounce on while I labored at home for a little while longer. 

Brandon took Griffin to school with an overnight bag packed. Dan and Kim were going to pick him up if this was indeed the real thing. He brought me home a smoothie for breakfast. I was starving but wanted something light in case I got sick during labor. 

I took my last belly picture at 38 weeks and 2 days. Our hospital bags were packed and in the car! It was finally time to meet our second son!!

Just as I was about to say let's go, the contractions eased up. What?!? I was thinking this cannot be happening! What a cruel joke! I told Brandon we were going for a walk! So we walked out road. But they were easing up even more. By 11:00, they weren't even worth timing. I felt extremely tired, so I took a short nap . In hindsight, I really wish I would've listened to my body and slept all afternoon....

It was so disheartening to answer everyone's text messages with a "sorry, false alarm". I was so frustrated. I called my doctor's office, and they assured me that it just happens sometimes. I told Brandon to take me to Hobby Lobby so I could walk some more. 

When we got back from Hobby Lobby, there were still no signs of any contractions. They had completely stopped. Kim and Dan had picked up Griffin and brought him to our house. My mom called and said they were in town. They thought I would be in the hospital by now, even though I told them not to come! I felt so bad, but they wanted to take us out to eat. Around six, we headed to Brangus. I had a steak and baked potato. My contractions started up again during dinner, but they were like 20 min apart. My parents said they would get a hotel room if I thought this baby was coming, but I told them this baby wasn't going to come for another two weeks. Ha! So they went back home. 

I was still pretty frustrated that night. I went to bed around 9, still having very spaced out contractions. I may have gotten an hour of restless sleep. By 11:00, the contractions started to get consistent and extremely painful. I was in immediate discomfort. It was around this time I also lost my mucus plug.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to decide what to do while breathing through each contraction. Brandon came into our bedroom. He had been asleep on the couch watching some show. I guess I woke him up! Despite seeing me in obvious pain, he decided to crawl under the covers and say, "I'm going to get as much sleep as I can."  I couldn't believe he said that.... I decided a shower might help manage some of the pain, so I took a very hot shower. By the time I got out, the contractions were so intense. I told Brandon that we were going now, and to call my mom. He finally woke up and started to get excited! We got our bags in the car, got up our sleeping child, and Brandon helped me get dressed, and we were off. 

I found out I'm not one who can be silent during a contraction. Breathing and moaning and maybe even a squeal here and there seemed to help. Haha! I tried so hard not to make a sound while Griffin was in the car. But man, they were coming every two minutes and were hard. I gritted my teeth, but Griffin could tell something was obviously wrong. He kept saying, just breathe momma! It'll be okay! And he prayed the sweetest prayer over me. I so wish I had that on camera!! Greg met us at the hospital Saturday morning, March 5th, at 1:30am. Greg later told us that Griffin did not go back to sleep that entire night...

I could only take a few steps before the next contraction hit. It took us a little while to get up to labor and delivery. Once I got there, they got me checked in really fast. I was in so much pain! For the past four years, I've told all expecting moms to skip the Demerol because it made me so loopy last time. However, I was ready for something!! I asked them to do just half a dose of Demerol or give me something else. They gave me something, I don't remember the name, that made me feel more relaxed. It didn't help the pain during a contraction, but I felt better between each one. I was also completely coherent which was the best. 

The nurse checked me when I arrived and I was already at 7cm. I told them I wanted an epidural, but they weren't sure if I would get one since I was so far along. Next kid, I'm coming in earlier!! If I would've came in on Friday morning, Dr Escue would've kept me and helped me along. But that's what I get for trying to labor at home!

It was around 4am that I finally got my epidural. I was at 9cm! I was more than ready. My contractions were so intense and so painful. I was tired of Brandon telling me to just breathe, and I hated having to lay down through them. I swung my legs over the bed and the nurse pushed my head down to arch my back like a cat. It was so awkward and even more painful to have to stay there for several contractions. Then my water broke!! I had never experienced my water breaking on its own. It was a huge gush of liquid everywhere! And with each contraction, more would come gushing out. I told the nurse, "I've either peed the bed, or my water broke!!!" Bahahahaha! I know they got a good laugh at my expense! 

My momma finally made it to town right as I was getting my epidural. With Griffin, I didn't feel a single thing. With Graham, I needed to push about 15 minutes after my epidural. It didn't have time to really take effect. I could still feel my contractions, but the epidural took the edge off. I didn't feel like I was going to die anymore. Ha! 

I pushed for almost two hours straight in every position imaginable. I had enough feeling in my legs that I was able to squat, get on my knees, roll over, and do all sorts of things. It was very frustrating though that I wasn't making much progress. I was doing all that I could, and nothing was happening. I told them that I just couldn't do it anymore. I needed a break. So around 6am, with Graham in the birth canal, they packed up shop! Everyone left, turned out the lights, and told me to go to sleep. 

My mom and Brandon were the only ones left in the room. They were encouraging when I was so discouraged. I didn't know why it was taking so long. 

After about an hour, they came back in. Dr. Escue said he was going to help me this time. It was then they discovered Graham was facing up instead of down. He couldn't get past my pubic bone. So after about another six minutes of pushing, Graham finally made it out with Dr. Escue's help. 

I didn't cry this time like I did with Griffin. I think I used my tears during that time of rest. I was just so happy he was finally here!! I did hold him before he got all cleaned up. I didn't do that with Griffin. Graham was way more goopy than Griffin too! Brandon cut the cord, and it was finally over! 

I'm not one of those women that look all glamorous during labor! Haha! I don't think I've ever been so hot and sweaty. Everyone else was shivering because the room was at 65 degrees. It felt like a sauna though. 

8lbs and 10oz. 21.5 inches long. Born at 7:06 am. 

He had an interesting head shape when he first came out, but it didn't last long! He also had some bruising on his head that lasted about a week. 

Greg and Theresa brought G to the hospital, and Griffin was finally a big brother!

We were all in love with little Graham immediately. 

I loved that we were all at the hospital enjoying this new miracle and no one else knew besides our parents. Before posting the news on social media, I texted a picture of Graham to some friends and family. It was a fun surprise!! When I did post it on Facebook, I asked for no visitors until after dinner. I had been up for over 24 hours, and was completely exhausted. I just didn't have it in me to talk to anyone at that point. When we had Griffin, there was a constant stream of people. I just wanted a nap and to hold my baby. Everyone was very understanding! Leslie and Cora came late that night as well as Brandon's brother. 

My momma is such a life saver. She was so helpful during labor. Afterwards, she took Griffin home so they could both get some sleep. She left in the early evening to go back home because she didn't bring anything with her. Griffin stayed the night again with Brandon's parents. 

We had a relatively easy first night with Graham in the hospital. All of the nurses were super helpful. Graham had some issues with his sugar, so I had to be very diligent in feeding him every two hours on the dot. They pricked his heel after each time I nursed him to check his sugar. Late the first night, I had to give him some formula because it dropped too low. He also had some jaundice so we had to come back to get him checked the next few days. Both of those issues I did not have with Griffin. 

We were finally discharged from the hospital the next day, Sunday the 6th, around 1:00pm. My mom came back down around 4ish. She brought a carload of groceries! She is an angel!! I don't think I've ever had so much food in my kitchen. Greg and Theresa had also stopped and got us some bread and milk, as well as two freezer meals. That night, a friend brought over dinner. In fact, we've had a dinner brought over every night since then! Our church family is amazing!

I have so much more to say, but this is the longest post ever! Next up: our first week at home. Stay tuned. 


Unknown said...

I absolutely love that this is recorded in this way. You will look back in a few years and be so glad you did this. Graham Preston is so precious. Such a good baby. You were a trooper! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of. You are so very dear to me and I love you to the moon and back!

The Ponders' Ponderings said...

Hey Kristin! So excited for you and your little family! Yes, I still follow your blog sometimes. The beautiful thing about every woman's labor story is that it's so individual and there is no wrong or right. It just is! Congratulations! Enjoy your leave!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I hope you and your family are well! I miss your blog updates!!