Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bumpdate #2 36 Weeks

35 Weeks

Valentine's Day ❤️

36 Weeks

Weight Gain? 46 pounds! Yikes!!!!

Maternity clothes? Yes of course

Sleep? Better than it has been! I can't really complain because a month ago it was awful! I'm still huge and uncomfortable, but the insomnia hasn't been as frequent. Griffin is also making it almost all night in his own bed, so that is helping tremendously! 

Best moment this week? I've been making lists and checking things off! I met with my long term sub, and she is ready to take over whenever I go into labor. Graham's nursery is almost ready! I had my Group B Strep test done and will get the results on Monday. I'm also getting checked then. Yippee! I went to Paint with Lane on my day off last week, and made a precious door hanger for the hospital. 
Now we are in party planning mode for Griffin's fourth birthday. That is one of the last major things to check off the list before Graham is here! 

Still on my to do list is paint a dresser for the nursery, do our taxes, register for the hospital, organize my classroom, spend the remaining of my science lab budget, and deep clean the house. Nesting has started I guess...

Movement? Graham still has big, rolling movements. Some can be quite painful at times. He gets the hiccups quite frequently. It's the cutest thing!

Gender? All boy!

Labor Signs? I dropped at 35 weeks this go around! With Griffin, I dropped at 37. I have a lot of pressure down there. I'm also having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. They are much stronger this time, and they can be pretty painful at times. Standing is actually easier than sitting because he is sooooo low. Laying down is my favorite though. By 6:00 at night, I am pretty much done for the day.... 

Belly button in or out? Flat.

What I miss? Running. Bending down. Not having cankles. And I miss not having heartburn alllllll day long. 

Cravings? I've been craving more and more sweets. Obviously. The scale doesn't lie!

My big boy with his Valentine box. He's so grown up these days. He's so smart! He's a wild child and 100% boy. Yet he loves to cuddle up, color, and read stories. He can be the most infuriating child and still be so lovable. He's my sour patch kid! I can't wait to see how he interacts with his little brother. I think we are all in for a wild ride!!

And this guy. He still makes me swoon. He's been taking great care of me these past few weeks! I am exhausted all the time, and he has helped keep the house clean, dishes washed, and has helped keep Griffin alive. Ha! In just another week he will venture into a new career field as a police officer. I'm proud of him for following his newfound passion, but the unknown is scary. Praying for a smooth transition for us all in this season of many many changes!

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