Sunday, May 26, 2013

15 months

This is my 200th post!! So of course I will be writing about my most favorite thing in the world... Griffin Blaine!

Griffin turned 15 months old two days ago. He is absolutely hysterical. 

He says:
Bath time!
Down please (when he is done eating) 
All gone (when his drink is gone or his plate is empty)
What is that? (His favorite phrase since 11 months old)
No no no no (while shaking his head)
Bye bye (while waving)
Amen (after we say our prayers)
Shoes (when trying to put them on)
Papa (Nana and Papa are pretty rare though) 

He has said many other words, but those are his regulars. 

He can feed himself with a spoon and/or fork. He can drink from a regular cup, but only supervised. Otherwise he can get crazy at the end of his meal. 

Griffin can follow simple commands which has made our lives much easier! We can tell him to go get something such as a book of a ball, and he actually does it. We especially like it when he is able to find his drink or snack all by himself. 

He can find his nose, ears, and knows that a cow goes Moo. We are still working on a dog. 

He loves to pretend to read and count. When he builds a tower of blocks, he counts to three before knocking it over. But only we know that he's counting. Lol The number one is always pronounced as "so" for some reason. I'm not sure how to spell his pronunciation for the other numbers. He def has his own way of speaking at this stage!

He is down to an hour nap in the morning and a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. Sometimes he just takes one nap, but he usually NEEDS two. He only gets his paci while in his crib. At the babysitter's house, he doesn't take one at all. He still sleeps 7-7 at night. I love his schedule!

Griffin is very into climbing. He loves to climb up onto everything. He climbed onto the ottoman the other day and was playing peek a boo with the curtain. He tumbled down and smacked his head on his wicker toy basket. Poor baby... I love how fast babies heal though! Their bruises, cuts, and scrapes only last a day or two. 

G loves being outside! We found out he's allergic to grass though. 😳 We have learned to always keep Benadryl close by. 

He is a great eater. He loves fruit, especially strawberries. 

He's getting so big! I love this stage, but he wears me out. He's a wild man! 

Watching Monsters Inc on the way to Nana's. That iPad is my saving grace on long car rides!

I also spent $3.99 on an app that turned my iPhone and iPad into a video baby monitor. It is SO cool! I love that I spent $4 on a video monitor instead of $300! Score!! I can play lullabies through it, turn on a night light, and even talk to G through the microphone. It's pretty awesome! 

Only four school days left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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