Sunday, March 17, 2013


When Griffin was 11.5  months old, it was time to wean him off his formula to whole milk. I shuddered just thinking about it. The week spent transitioning him from breast milk to formula was AWFUL! But he did it and survived, so I knew that we could make it through this transition as well.
The switch actually wasn’t too terrible. We quickly figured out that he wanted his milk at least room temp and not freezing cold. After we started nuking his six ounce bottles for about 20 seconds, all was well.
Now, I am facing the weaning battle. I’ve tried this for a few weeks now, but lacked consistency which is a prescription for failure. Now that I’m on Spring Break though, I am confident that I will prevail! haha!
I’ve come to find out that finding the right sippy cup is essential for getting rid of Griffin’s beloved bottle. We have tried no less than eight different cups to no avail. But yesterday, God was directing me to TJ Maxx where I found THE cup!

Behold! The Munchkin Straw Cup!
Words cannot begin to describe how much G and I love this cup!!! First, I paid only $8 for three, adorable cups. Second, it’s super easy to clean and assemble. That’s a huge plus! And finally, Griffin loves drinking out of it. He doesn’t have to suck so hard to get his milk to come out, and it doesn’t leak. That is an amazing sippy cup! I’ll let you know at the end of my week how the weaning is going. I have high hopes.

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