Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break Part 1

I don’t think I’ve looked forward to a Spring Break more than this one. I needed some down time SO bad. Spending an entire week with Griffin… Well that is just heaven! He is so entertaining and fun to be around.
So I know Thursday wasn’t really Spring Break, but we had an awesome parent night this night! My students wrote their first five paragraph essay complete with subheadings, photographs, and a bibliography. Then they completed their planet research by building models and/or making posters. We set our classroom up like a “Solar System Museum” complete with a big sun in the middle. The students stood behind their projects “asleep” and they woke up to tell about their planet when a parent pushed their button (which happened to be an interlocking cube). It was an easy and successful parent night. I will do it again next year since I’ll be in third grade again. Everyone LOVED it!
In fourth grade, we had a district wide track meet. In third grade, we have a district wide kickball game. WOW. I miss the track meet. The kickball game was fun, but eh…. track meet is where it’s at.

Griffin got his first haircut! I was so surprised how much it changed his looks. He seriously looked like a different child.
pony tail
He’s a little boy now. My baby is gone.

Jason’s sweet girlfriend, Felicia, cut it. He absolutely hated the chair. We tried to get him to sit in it by himself, but there was no way. I had to sit in it and hold him. There was hair everywhere! The sucker afterwards was his favorite though.
Sunday was low key. We just went to church. Can I just say I love our church! It’s the best. We’re gearing up for the Passion Play again.

Griffin and I had a lunch date at Chick Fil A. Can I just say again… I love, love, love my son!
Spring Break Day 1
He ate his little chicken nuggets and flirted with anyone and everyone that flashed him a grin. We had to go get groceries afterwards. I made spaghetti squash alfredo that night. It was… eh… ok. The spaghetti squash looks just like noodles, but the texture is way off. Bran and I ended up eating cereal for dinner.
Let’s just say…. I’m still in my pajamas! haha! Today has been great. I wanted to head up to Omaha to store some of Griffin’s things at my parent’s house, but sickness is still rampant up there, so we stayed home. I did a few loads of laundry, and cooked another new dinner. It was absolutely delicious. I made buffalo chicken and potato casserole. Bran gave me permission to make it again. lol My Easter dress came in that I ordered from Old Navy. I have my Easter outfit and Griffin’s, so now I just have to find Daddy something to wear.
Griffin has started to put on Bran’s hat and wears it around the house. It is way to big of course, so he ends up running into everything.
Spring Break Day 2(2)
I gave him an entire box of Kleenexes today. He LOVED pulling them out one by one. He made a huge mess.
Spring Break Day 2
Here he is with his new sippy cup eating some animal crackers. Oh, by the way, he’s completely weaned from the bottle now. I knew I just had to find the right cup! Once I did, it has not been a problem whatsoever. He hasn’t had a bottle in over a day, and is drinking just as much milk if not more! I went and bought him two more cups at Wal-Mart.

Griffin has been so giggly. He is testing his boundaries for sure. I can just look at him when he is inching towards something he knows he cannot touch, and busts out laughing. Seriously, one look and he is grinning and giggling. It’s the cutest thing.
He also loves to be chased. He will run and squeal if you even act like you’re coming for him.
He’s learning so much so fast. He stands on the tips of his toes and goes around the end of the hallway trying to open each and every door. He hates to be left alone in a room. He will play by himself just fine, but he doesn’t want to be the only one in the room. He likes when someone watches him play. His newest thing is putting on him sunglasses, taking them off, and saying “boo.” It comes out with a very thick, country accent. So cute.
He’s also walking more. He made almost all the way across the living room today.
So basically, he’s weaned, he’s walking, and he’s the cutest thing alive. The end.

And I wish I could stay with him all the time! The end. For real.

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