Saturday, November 28, 2009


Thanksgiving has come and gone. The food was amazing as always. I have spent the past week dwelling on how God has truly blessed my life. There is so much to be thankful for. Such as (in no particular order):
  • my Christian husband who would do anything for me
  • a Christian family
  • good relationships with my in-laws
  • my wonderful job
  • my friends
  • caramel apple spice drinks from Starbucks
  • my awesome church
  • a warm house
  • money in our bank account
  • plenty of food in our fridge
  • cars that run
  • all the great deals I found on Black Friday
I could go on and on. I watched True Life: I'm Homeless yesterday on MTV. It really was humbling. I watched people my age living on the streets. Lord, please forgive me for all of the times I have complained for not having a bigger TV or the latest clothes. How shallow I can be.... Mold my heart to be more like yours. Make it more sensitive to others' needs and not just my own.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree!

I spent a great weekend with my family. I was able to hold my precious nephew, Drew, for hours and hours! He was such a good baby, except all the times when he spit up on me or started crying. haha Hopefully one day, I will have a little bundle of joy just like him!

This weekend, I also found a great deal on a Christmas tree at Target. So of course once I got home, I HAD to set it up and start decorating! Bran and I don't have a lot of Christmas decorations, but we are slowly buying them little by little. I guess that is all part of being newlyweds. So, here is our simple, yet beautiful (in my opinion) tree:

Another great deal I found: an end table. I have been looking for one forever! I found this one at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. The model is being discontinued so I picked it up for only $50! woohoo! It was a cinch to put together as well, and it is extremely sturdy. I'm a happy girl!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


**Update: New student just stayed for about 2 hours. He's at a different school now.Poor guy.... **

I just checked my school email. I am getting a new student tomorrow, and it makes me very nervous/excited. I wonder what he will be like... nice? a "good" kid or a "bad" kid? will he have ADHD? G.T? resource? speech? can he read? will he like me? what if he doesn't get along with anyone? what if he is a clown? what if he throws up?


But then I think about what he must be thinking.... I wonder if my teacher will be mean? or nice? old? grumpy? will she get mad at me if I mess up? what if nobody likes me? what if my teacher doesn't like me? what if she doesn't think I am smart enough? what if I throw up??

Poor guy. My mission tomorrow is to try my best to make his first day the best day! I already love him.... just because he is going to be my student.

I found something I want for my birthday/Christmas. (hint, hint)

It's a flip camera/camcorder, and it's awesome!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bad Dog

Bran and I chose to have our puppy Mason as an inside dog a few months ago. He is such a good dog and so loveable. However, he is only 8 months old; still a puppy. He is pinned up in our hallway while we are out of the house. This is what I came home to today.

Mason is now an outside dog once again.

In other news, our broom stands up.... on its own.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Party

lights off

lights on

witches brew

pumpkin spice skeletons

bran's pumpkin


thats all.