Saturday, June 11, 2016

Graham - Month 3

Graham is three months! Time is flying. I only have two more months off, so I'm trying to enjoy every second! 

So I have to say the second baby is so much easier. I guess it's just because everything feels familiar, and I'm more comfortable taking care of a newborn. Or it might be because babies just need their basic needs taken care of. Whatever the reason, adjusting to life with two kids has been very easy for us. Praise the Lord!

Speaking of adjusting, Griffin is back to his old self. All the major life changes that happened back in March really threw him for a loop. I wasn't really sure what to do with him! However, I was consistent with discipline and routine (even when I wanted to lock myself in the closet and cry), and it's paid off! He is sleeping in his own bed again all night, putting himself to sleep, using his manners, and following directions. He's not perfect by any means, but we are in a much better place now! He hasn't been in trouble at school either. I'm SO thankful! 

Back to Graham...
He is wearing 6-9 month clothes and a size three diaper. He weighs around 16.5 lbs. He's my little chunk! He's very long! He started sleeping through the night right after he turned 12 weeks. Our days are very routine. He goes down around 8:00 at night and sleeps to around 5:00 in the morning. After he eats and burps, he goes back to sleep until 7:45 when I usually wake him up to nurse before taking Griffin to school. Griffin wakes up between 5-6. I just tell him to go play in his room until I'm ready to get up (usually around 7:00). After I drop Griffin off, Graham and I come home and walk at least two miles in the neighborhood. I've been trying to get this baby weight off! Graham loves to sleep in his stroller too. When we get back, he nurses again and is ready to play. He is starting to participate in the world around him more. He can track objects and is trying hard to grasp objects. He loves hanging out in his bouncy seat or playmat. He is trying really hard to roll over, but hasn't quite accomplished that feat yet. He also loves chewing on his hands after staring them down. After a couple hours of play time, he's ready to nurse again. After his lunch, he takes a really good nap in the middle of the day. He will sleep for 2-3 hours. I love it because when I have both boys at home, they're on the same nap schedule. It's total bliss! After nap, he eats again and we go get brother. We come home for some more play time with Griffin. I cook dinner and we eat around 5:00. Baths are at 5:30, nurse again, we watch a movie at 6:00, and Griffin is in bed by 7:30. I nurse Graham once more and he goes to bed. It works great for us! I think kids thrive when they have a routine because it helps them feel safe.

Of course surprises are fun every now and then! This week we went to the zoo with Megan and her two girls. Griffin is also enrolled in a cooking camp. He loves to help me in the kitchen, so he is learning about food every Friday in June. Summer time is the best! 

Graham is the sweetest baby. He rarely cries. When he does, he's either hungry or has a gas bubble. He's smiles with his entire body and has started to giggle. I'm so thankful God entrusted me to be his momma! 

I love pouty faces!

They are my biggest blessings! 

Griffin's first cooking class

Future photographer! 

At the zoo! It was HOT! 

My new boy mom shirt. Ha!

A bad idea. Lol

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