Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bumpdate #2 29 Weeks

Third trimester! I can't believe I only have 11 weeks left!

Weight gain? I've gained around 30 lbs. Yikes.... I'm sure I'll put on another 20 before I deliver. Just like last time. I'm starting to swell again. Yippee. :/

Maternity clothes? Yes. I'm entering the stage where my t shirts aren't fitting anymore.  

Sleep? Between heartburn and restless legs, I have a hard time going to sleep. I usually wake up between 3-5 in the morning too. I lay there for forever trying to will myself back into a slumber. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I'm not so lucky. 

Best moment this week? We've had many wonderful moments the past month! We are officially settled into our new house. We celebrated the holidays with our families. I turned 30 a couple of days ago. And we got to see our precious baby Graham!! I'm SO in love!!


He looks like his big brother! Here's a side by side comparisons of the two. 
Brandon and I wonder what color his hair will be. If he will have my skin tone or his. I can't wait to find out! The ultrasound tech did see his hair! So I'm glad all this heartburn is for something. 

Another great moment was passing my glucose test, and my platelet count went up. Everything appears healthy and normal at this point. Praise the Lord!!

Graham's crib also came in right before Christmas, and Brandon put it together this past weekend. I'm still deciding on how to decorate the nursery, but I think I've finally nailed down a plan. 

Movement? Graham moves all day every day. He is now the size of a pineapple! Since he is bigger, I can see his movements more, especially when he is on one side. I often have to push him back to the middle when he makes my belly lopsided. 

Gender? All boy! 
Labor Signs? None 

Belly button in or out? In but getting flatter

What I miss? Heartburn is going strong. I keep Tums with me at all times. I finally broke down this week and started taking an antacid almost daily. It has helped tremendously! I just hate taking medicine daily! 

Cravings? Hard candy like Runts and Gobstoppers and Sprees. I also drink a lot of milk! 

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