Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Bumpdate #2 25 Weeks

Weight gain? I've gained around 20 lbs. 

Maternity clothes? Yes please. 

Sleep? We've had a lot going on, so it takes me awhile to turn off my brain at night. I'm up between 4-5 in the morning. But what sleep I do get is usually good. I'm getting a little more uncomfortable as the weeks go on. 

Best moment this week? We are closing on our house tomorrow! Finally!! We've been blessed to be at Kim and Dan's house for the past 14 months, but it's time we settle into our own space. We will be moving in this weekend! 

Movement? Graham is a mover and a shaker. I really feel him when I sit down and pay attention though. 

Gender? All boy! 
Labor Signs? None 

Belly button in or out? In but getting flatter

What I miss? Heartburn is going strong. I keep Tums with me at all times. 

Cravings? My sweet tooth is finally back, which you can tell by my enormous weight gain this month. 

Griffin got to see Santa at SDC. We had a wonderful time!! 
Love my boys!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving too! We ate lunch with Brandon's family, then ventured to Omaha for dinner. Pretty sure I grew a few sizes this weekend! 

Brandon and I got a rare date night that weekend. We got home after midnight and found Griffin and his cousins like this. They have the best Nana! 

After a long day of school but before packing. I'm so tired!!

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