Saturday, September 21, 2013


What a crazy month! The first month of school is SO hard and SO exhausting. We have a new principal this year, so that comes with a whole new set of challenges and expectations. 

Griffin is still crazy and sweet as ever. He will be 19 months in just a couple of days. I will have a two year old on my hands before I know it! He finally got his hair cut today! He looks SO much better. 

I just love him so much. 

In other news, I have now not only ran five miles, but surpassed my goal. This morning I ran nine! I can't believe it! It's so true about once you reach five or six miles, you can just go on and on. But I am feeling it tonight though. My legs are SORE. 

This is a screenshot of my splits from two weeks ago when I ran eight. It has mile none on there, but that's when I was pulling my phone out to turn off my app. I ran a slower pace today because I was running with a friend. It is wonderful to have someone to talk to. When you run for a couple hours, it's super boring. 

Needless to say, I'm super proud of myself!!! I'm hoping to work on my speed after the half. Just a few more weeks!! 

My baby is getting so big! He is doing great in his big boy bed. He wakes up between 4-5 though and climbs in bed with us. I really wish he wouldn't do that, but until we get a gate, that's just where we are! I do like the extra snuggles!

G enjoying the beautiful weather!