Monday, June 25, 2012

Four Months

Griffin turned four months yesterday!

How can this be!?!?!

I must admit…. Griffin is getting to be so much fun these days. We are starting to see his personality. He’s so laid back and easy-going. Well, most of the time he is! He smiles so easily and at everything. We still have to work for his giggles, but they are worth a little more effort!

Griffin tried cereal for the second time on Saturday. We tried at three months, but he had no clue how to eat from a spoon. This time around, he did wonderful and LOVED it! He will be getting a bowl of cereal every night and will start two bowls soon. I can’t believe he will be starting real food soon!
His motor skills are improving. He can reach and grab a toy now. He loves his little monkey blanket. His favorite “toys” however are his hands and feet! He is finally putting weight and wants to stand up. He tries to sit up constantly, but of course cannot hold himself up just yet.

With August soon approaching, which means back to work I go, I’ve been trying to switch him to formula. He has taken one bottle a day for the past couple of days. He is learning to drink it, but it’s def not his favorite. Last week I was so excited to stop nursing. However, this week, I’m really sad about it. So many pros and cons to both sides. I must say, the formula has done a number on his tummy. He is so gassy and SO stinky.
His hair is growing! And his eyes are dark brown. He may be teething? But I’m not sure. He is just starting to bite down on everything now. His neck is getting so strong and is able to look around while on his tummy. He’s still a little shakey, but he’s getting there!

He stopped sleeping through the night when he hit his three month growth spurt. I’m hoping and praying that he goes back once he starts solids. If he would do that before I go back to work would be really wonderful!!!
So pretty much, I have the best baby ever. The end. Smile

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