Saturday, June 30, 2012

Father’s Day, Project Life, and Carrots

Brandon and I have been enjoying our new normal with Griffin. Every time I think we’ve finally adjusted, something changes! Griffin is changing daily it seems. This week he has been transitioning to formula as well as solids. Oh. My. Word. I have never smelled anything more nasty than what my son passes in all three forms: solid, liquid, and gas!! GROSS! But anyways, Griffin had carrots for breakfast this morning. His face was hysterical. He wasn’t so sure about it. He ate about 1 1/2 Tbsp. I thought he did pretty good!
Pictures of babies eating baby food gross me out. I’m not sure why I’m posting these or even took them. Vomit.
Rewind two weeks…. Brandon celebrated his first Father’s Day! I loved Mother’s Day and soaked up every single second. Holidays are SO fun! Brandon however doesn’t really get into them. But since it was his first Father’s Day, Griffin and I had to make it memorable!
Brandon is now the new owner of a 42 inch flat screen! It’s so not cute right now. We need  to hang it on the wall and are in search of a new TV stand. In fact, we spent all day going to several different places in town trying to find one. It was exhausting.
Daddy’s mini-me

I’ve started scrapbooking again, but with a different approach. I love buying the cutesie paper and all the embellishments, but honesty, it was way expensive and I put way too much pressure on myself to make every single page cute and innovative. So as a result, I never did anything. Enter: Project Life. I stumbled across Project Life on Pinterest (where else of course?!?) and after some research, I ordered the kit from Amazon. It’s more of a glorified photo album, but itsn’t that what scrapbooking is anyways??
This is everything I ordered. Page Protectors, a binder, the Core Kit, and some matching paper. The page protectors have different sized slots for inserting pictures or journaling cards. So instead of spending an hour on a layout, I get one done in about 10 minutes or less. The entire album will be color-coordinated and will be a sort of yearbook for our family. I do one layout a week to document the events from that week. Since I started late in the year, I’ve had to backtrack a little, so a lot of pages have what I like to call “Flashbacks.” Becky HIggins, the creator, is coming out with a Baby edition later the year. I cannot wait to see it!!! I haven’t decided if I will backtrack and do one for Griffin, or wait for our next baby.
Here are the first two layouts in the album. I am in love with this product. Quick, easy, and to the point. Just the way I like it!

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