Pictures of babies eating baby food gross me out. I’m not sure why I’m posting these or even took them. Vomit.
Rewind two weeks…. Brandon celebrated his first Father’s Day! I loved Mother’s Day and soaked up every single second. Holidays are SO fun! Brandon however doesn’t really get into them. But since it was his first Father’s Day, Griffin and I had to make it memorable!
Brandon is now the new owner of a 42 inch flat screen! It’s so not cute right now. We need to hang it on the wall and are in search of a new TV stand. In fact, we spent all day going to several different places in town trying to find one. It was exhausting.
Daddy’s mini-me
I’ve started scrapbooking again, but with a different approach. I love buying the cutesie paper and all the embellishments, but honesty, it was way expensive and I put way too much pressure on myself to make every single page cute and innovative. So as a result, I never did anything. Enter: Project Life. I stumbled across Project Life on Pinterest (where else of course?!?) and after some research, I ordered the kit from Amazon. It’s more of a glorified photo album, but itsn’t that what scrapbooking is anyways??
This is everything I ordered. Page Protectors, a binder, the Core Kit, and some matching paper. The page protectors have different sized slots for inserting pictures or journaling cards. So instead of spending an hour on a layout, I get one done in about 10 minutes or less. The entire album will be color-coordinated and will be a sort of yearbook for our family. I do one layout a week to document the events from that week. Since I started late in the year, I’ve had to backtrack a little, so a lot of pages have what I like to call “Flashbacks.” Becky HIggins, the creator, is coming out with a Baby edition later the year. I cannot wait to see it!!! I haven’t decided if I will backtrack and do one for Griffin, or wait for our next baby.
Here are the first two layouts in the album. I am in love with this product. Quick, easy, and to the point. Just the way I like it!