How far along? 27 Weeks
Weight gain? 20 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes!
Sleep? eh. Not as good some nights.
Best moment this week? There were so many! On Tuesday, my mom came down to Russellville and was able to attend our last ultrasound appointment. Brandon, his mom, my mom, and I got to see little Griffin in 4D. Technology is so amazing! He has my lips and Bran’s brow structure. He already looks so precious!
I also got to go shopping with my mom and sister this past weekend. I bought a lot of stuff for Griffin’s room including new bedding. My self-less mother is going to be making his bedding! I cannot wait for it all to be done!
Movement? He is moving quite a bit. He seems to be very active around suppertime!
Gender? All boy!
Labor Signs? None
Belly button in or out? In
What I miss? Heartburn is killing me. It can go away anytime now!
Milestones? Seeing Griffin in 4D and getting my glucose test out of the way. I am also starting my two-week appointments! eek!
Cravings? comfort food
I cannot believe Thanksgiving is already over… The holiday season is in full swing! I LOVE this time of year, but I cannot wait for next year! Experiencing the holidays with a baby with be that much more fun and exciting. I have only three weeks left of graduate school. I am so ready for it to be over with. My motivation is completely gone. My motivation to get anything done is gone actually. The tiredness is back in full swing. I better find it quick though. The next three months are going to fly by and my little boy will be here before too much longer!