Let’s see… I’ve been swimming with my buddy Dara every night this week. Other than that, I have really just been lounging around doing absolutely nothing! I’ve had plenty of time to get all of my homework assignments done. However, I have just finished one and have three more left.
I mailed off a scholarship application today. I had it all put together over a month ago, but kept forgetting to send it off. Well… pretty sure the due date is Monday! I was praying over it on my way to the post office so hopefully it gets there on time and maybe I will get it! That would be such a blessing!
I have two birthday parties to go to this weekend: one tonight and one tomorrow. Dara, Alicia, and I, and maybe some other girls, are going to Faytown tomorrow night for Dara’s birthday. It should be fun because I haven’t been to PF Changs or to the new promenade up there. I’m excited!
I am going to a training on Monday. I have a huge opportunity for my career if I can make any extra time in my schedule. I’m anxious to see where it leads!
Leaving for Hawaii in eight days! Bran and I are SO ready to go!
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