Monday, February 8, 2010

Here Lately

Brandon and I are watching Turner and Hootch. hahahaha It is a lot more entertaining when you have a dog JUST LIKE Hootch. We see the same mannerisms in Mason. Lord help us!

Anyways, Jillian has been put on the back burner here lately. I have got to get back to the 30 Day Shred. I haven't done it in about a week or so. Bran did however buy a gym membership for me. I have been going and running on the ellipitical. Hopefully I can find some sort of balance between work, home, and all the extra activities.

Speaking of work, God is doing some great things lately. I received an email from our co-op a week ago, completely unexpected! Turns out, our superintendent brought up my name to the head of their technology department. The lady then emails me asking to come and watch me teach!! I feel so honored! Then, to top it all off, she asks if I would be interested in teaching a class over the summer. That is such a God thing. Bran and I were brainstorming ways we could bring in some more money and this is an ideal situation for me! Too cool! I have another opportunity this Friday to make a little extra cash. The principal of a nearby school asked me to help with some professional development. WOW! God is so good!

I was off of work today - snow day. I'm off tomorrow as well - snow day. We've had around 7-8 inches. This is the most snow our town has seen in a loooooooooooong time! It's nice, but tomorrow was supposed
to be parent/teacher conferences. It is going to be a headache trying to reschedule those... We will be going to school until June!

So, I'll try not to wait a whole month until my next post. Coming up next, Dave Ramsey!

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