Saturday, January 16, 2010

Oh Happy Day

So, Jillian has been kicking my butt. After the first two days, I took a three day hiatus from her tortuous workout. I know, that's not wise, but I seriously thought my calves were going to burst. This morning, I returned to the level one workout, and completed the whole thing! No stopping to gasp for breath for this girl! I was really surprised that my endurance was so much better.

Now for the really great news: the Wii did not groan when I stepped on it this morning!! I can hear the angel chorus now! I have had the Wii fit since June. I have used it on and off to work out with, but I never felt like I got a great workout with it. Since I have been doing the 30 Day Shred, I have lost a couple of pounds. My goal is to lose at least twenty. That would be amazing! According to the Wii, I have been overweight. As of today, I am NORMAL!! WOOHOO! I was soooooo happy to see my little Mii character shrink a little!

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