Saturday, August 30, 2014

August 2014

Well summer 2014 was fun and busy and full of changes. It also passed by too quickly! It was time for school again before I realized what had even happened! 

These two melt my heart!

Brandon had a fight the first or second weekend of August, so G and I went to visit my parents. I watched the fight while cutting out reward coupons for my kiddos. 

He lost. Boo. 

The kid is obsessed with trains! 

Going for a ride! 

Bran helping me cut out lamination. This is an annual event!

We house sat/ pet sat for some friends the first week I went back to work. They had two Great Danes and a weenie dog. Fun times! And a pool!

G loves to swim! 

How we feel about momma going back to work...

I love the ladies I work with! I am blessed!

G finishing off his cereal milk. 

Enjoying a sucker after a family grocery shopping trip. 

Look who is 2.5! 

Chick fil a play date with work friends. 
I work with the best people!

Lunch with my old team!! Miss us all being together!

Drew and G hanging out on the farm with Nana and Papa while Bran and I had a much needed date night!

One night after bath time. 

My new favorite skirt I got in a much needed shopping trip with my mom! It's way too big but I'm hoping it will shrink! 

Griffins new lunch box from nana! 

Today G got a new haircut! It looks so good! 

Crying because he didn't want his picture taken. It's hard to be two...

Beginning to potty train!!! 

Little baby booties are just adorable! 

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