Sunday, April 27, 2014


My spring break consisted of working at school every day on National Boards. 

My friends and I got caught in a thunder storm on a 10 mile run which resulted in our first cop car ride. 

Griffin wore my super comfy scarf all afternoon. Daddy was not pleased! 

Bran and I went to Ft. Smith with our young adult group from church to hear Warren Barfield and Kirk Cameron at the Love Worth Fighting For event. 

We are sponsoring this sweet child. 

Griffin is still paci free. Taking it away cold turkey was a horrible idea. The gradual release model was perfect! 

I was super excited and surprised to find out I was nominated as Center Valley's Teacher of the Year! 

My new principal is pretty great! 

G still loves to read. 

I painted this at my church's Ladies Night Out event. So fun! 

Bath time! 

Another successful year if the Passion Play. Brandon always amazes me with his performances! 

Such a big boy now! 

Saying bye to his nursery friends. 

Excited to watch Thomas the Train. 

Coloring Easter eggs for the first time. 


First time skating at Madison's birthday party with Nannie. 

Brandon taught my kiddos about spiders and insects. He is a natural teacher. 

Third grade teachers after the district wide third grade kickball game. My B team won their division!!

My intern'a last day is Tuesday. I'm going to miss her! 

He loves to "play dirt."

My second half marathon and Brandon's first was yesterday. Russvegas was awesome! I had a bad run, but you win some and lose some. I'm going to back off running long distances for a while and focus on sprints and weight lifting. 

Griffin opening his Easter basket from Nana this morning. 

I am SO glad this busy season is winding down. My to do list now consists of: 
1. Write entry 1 and complete entry 4. 
2. Gather documentation and begin the submission process. NB entries due on May 16!
3. Wedding shower, Volleyball Night, and baby shower this weekend. 
4. WCR 5k in Conway next weekend. 
5. Wedding in the 17th. 
6. Plan Germany unit. 
7. Study for NB assessments on June 12. 
8. Get ready for VACATION!! Woot woot! Brandon and I are both getting end of the year bonuses through the school so we are going to Gulf Shores. We need a break! 

1 comment:

Gina said...

Love this long over due post!