Sunday, November 24, 2013

21 Months

24 month and size 2T clothes

Size 4 diaper

12 teeth with four more coming in

Meets all the milestones listed for a two year old on the CDC website. 

And in a nutshell, he is a mess and acting just like a typical terrible two year old. 

I love him so much. He has taught me so many things, especially patience. 

There really hasn't been too many new things since my last update. He's still learning a TON of new words. The creepiest though is when he whispers "be quiet" really slow. Brandon and I thought it would be hysterical to teach him to say "I see dead people."

He mimics everything we do. His new favorite is pretending my old iPod is a phone. He walks around having a conversation on it in his jibberish. He also LOVES following the big kids around. He is pretty much a pest to them. 

I bought him one of my schools shirts!! Presh!!

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