Thursday, January 28, 2016

Bumpdate #2 33 Weeks

33 Weeks with Griffin

33 Weeks with Graham

Weight Gain? I'm pretty sure I'm already pushing 40 lbs. I don't even know how that is possible.... And I have seven weeks left. This. Is. Not. Good. :( I blame the pregnancy insomnia. I can't sleep, so what else is there to do then snack at 2am.

Maternity clothes? Yup.

Sleep? Pretty terrible still. My doctor told me to take magnesium to help with the restless legs as well as a melatonin. It was like magic for almost a week. Then it was back in full force. About the same time, I started to get a cold and sore throat. I started drinking double the amount of water and cut out my half can of Coke at dinner. Ever since then, it hasn't been nearly as bad. I guess the caffeine at night was making it worse. I also have been waiting to go to bed until 10:00 or so. That helps me sleep until about 4 instead of 2.

Best moment this week? I think my boss finally found someone for my maternity leave! Praise the Lord!

Movement? Graham is moving allllll the time! Instead of gentle movements though, he usually rolls across my stomach. He has had the hiccups several times in the past few weeks. That is fun to watch!

Gender? All boy!

Labor Signs? Nada.

Belly button in or out? In but more flat.

What I miss? Running. Bending down. Not having cankles.

Cravings? I need to start craving chicken and broccoli!!

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Bumpdate #2 30 Weeks

Weight Gain? I haven't weighed myself, but I think I'm still around +30. 

Maternity clothes? The only non maternity clothes I wear are leggings, pajama pants, and some Xlarge T-shirts around the house.  

Sleep? Terrible. I started taking an antiacid every morning, so my heartburn is finally managed. However, restless legs is in full force. The past two nights Brandon has given me a leg massage, and I finally fell asleep at a decent hour. He now has a new job! Ha!

Best moment this week? The nursery is coming along finally! Graham's crib is ready, his clothes are washed, and the changing table and pegboard are almost set up and organized. I just need to get some more storage in there for toys and clothes and hang up his curtains. 

Movement? Graham favors my right side. My coworkers actually comment on how lopsided I am because his booty is always sticking out on the right. 

Gender? All boy! 
Labor Signs? None. My belly was super tight though for a couple days. Pretty sure it was stress induced after Brandon caught our yard on fire! I haven't moved that fast in a loooooong time!

Belly button in or out? The middle is poking out but around the middle is still a little in. It's very weird! 

What I miss? My patience is starting to wear thin with Griffin on some days. I want to soak up these last few weeks with him, but I'm tired from working all day and trying to take care of a new home and all the daily mom and wife duties. 

Cravings? Chocolate shakes. :/